Monday, 18 February 2008

Race for life - update

As many of you know I have been training hard for this year's up and coming "Race For Life". It's a charity run designed to raise money to help fight breast cancer. For the past few months I've been running five miles a day, six days a week, and doing a half-marathon on saturdays.

And the support you've all show has shown has been absolutely tremendous - thanks to your help I have now donations and pledges worth over fifty thousand pounds!

Sadly, I discovered today that only women are allowed to take part in "Race For Life", so I took the sponsorship forms and all the money that had been donated and burned them in a big fire in the garden.

I also deliberately forgot my cure for cancer (which I came up with while i was out jogging one day) as, I assume, it is also inadmissible on the grounds of my gender, and i wouldn't want to offend.